In Memory of




Condolence From: Genny & Paul Morr
Condolence: We're so sorry for your loss and we are praying for you and all the family. I wish there were words to ease the pain and I also pray that you are finding some God-given moments of peace as you go through this. Love you all.
Friday June 16, 2017
Condolence From: Rex and Tracy Pepple
Condolence: Rich and Laurie our thoughts and prayers are with you both. Rich we?are so sorry for the loss of your father.
Wednesday June 14, 2017
Condolence From: Todd & Tina Walters
Condolence: Rich & Laurie We are so sorry for your loss of your dad! You both are in our thoughts and prayers. You will have a guardian angel always be your side. Love Todd & Tina Walters
Wednesday June 14, 2017
Condolence From: Steve and Shari Parrish
Condolence: Rich and Laurie, Our deepest condolences on the loss of your father. It does not matter how old you are losing a parent is tough. Your friends are here to support you and to help you through your loss. We love both of you.
Wednesday June 14, 2017
Condolence From: Chris & Tim Scheerer
Condolence: Tim & I are saddened to hear of Curt's passing. He was always a great man to be around & always had a smile. We will miss him greatly. Please know you all have our deepest sympathy. Rest in peace Curt
Tuesday June 13, 2017
Condolence From: Ken &Pat Arbuckle
Condolence: Praying you'll find comfort knowing that Curt whom you love, is home now free,at peace, in the presence of God. God Bless Ken &a Pat Arbuckle
Tuesday June 13, 2017